Week of the Beach

The weather is beautiful! Finally!

Except for this very moment... It just so happens to be pouring outside.

But that's okay, because I spend a good amount of time outside and in the ocean today.

Oh, the ocean. I think I love the Pacific Ocean. It's very clear... For the most part. And it's very warm... Except initially. The waves are pretty strong, as are the currents in general. It's a great work out.

Speaking of workouts, there are about a million and a half steps on this campus. Yes, you read right, a million and a half. My legs are going to be so toned by the end of this semester that you won't recognize them (you know, considering you were able to recognize my legs in a leg line up... Or something...).

Anyway, back to the beach. I love it. I've never really considered myself a beach person. When I was little, all I ever wanted to do when I was on vacation was go to the pool. I'm kind of rediscovering that 'fish out of water' thing. I get tired of lying on the beach. It's boring. Being in the waves and getting beat to hell against the bottom and almost drowning is so fun. So is shell collecting. I'm quite enjoying that, but who wouldn't? Okay, here's your chance to call me an old lady.

I bought a "Virtu
al Pet" today... Or, in other words, a knock off Tamaguchi. I figure I need to blow my money on something, since most (maybe not most, but a lot) of others are blowing theirs on alcohol. Yes, that lack of desire to drink is still instilled in me, regardless of the fact that I'm legal. Whatever. I'd rather have a fake Tamaguchi than an alcoholic beverage.

Right now I'm kind of procrastinating on packing for my SUPER SWEET EXCURSION tomorrow. It's cool though, we don't leave until 2:30, and I plan on getting up at some unheard of hour (say, 7 AM?) to get my laundry done so I have a few clean bathing suits... And clothes too. I'm praying for the weather to hold out, considering there are surfing lessons, snorkeling, hikes and sand boarding in my future. In case you've been either un- or ill-informed I am going to Stradbroke Island this weekend with all the Griffith GC/N
athan, UQ & QUT students. We get to paint boomerangs. Sweet? I think so.

I saw Alice in Wonderland on Tuesday with the 6202 girls* and Fabian & Alex and Alex's roommate. It was okay. I mean, it was true to Burton's past: creepy and fantastically weird. It wasn't the same Alice in Wonderland you're used to. But I guess you'll have to see it to find out what I mean. But I would suggest waiting until it's out on DVD. Or at very least, don't go wasting that extra few bucks to see it in 3-D... It wasn't THAT 3-D.

So I guess you guys are wondering about my classes, right? Here's the break down.

Government & Business Relations/Government-Business Relations/ No one's actually aware of the real name of the course:
This course is BORING. I mean, I really am not a fan of politics to start with, so why am I taking this anyway? Oh well. My convener (lecturer) is Italian. Daniela DiParmo. Like, legitimately Italian. She has this crazy Italian/Australian accent that I can't understand for the life of me. We talk about Australian politics and American politics and how it interacts with business. I haven't had the tutorial yet.

Cultural Perspectives 1:
It's a very interesting course. Our first class go cancelled because there were flooding creeks or some nonsense. Anyway, the "second" lecture we talked about words. I like talking about words. They're interesting to me. The tutorial was really fun. Our professor is legally blind and has an adorable yellow lab guide dog named Perry! She is funny and likes to have an interactive tutorial. She makes blind jokes! Yes!

Australia's Foreign Relations:
I was terrified of this class before I came here. I'm still a little weary because I know next to nothing about Australia, but it's fun. The prof, Tom is really cool. He's the quintessential I-don't-give-a-shit-if-you're-in-class-or-not-but-if-you're-not-don't-come-to-me-for-help-before-the-exam professor. It's great. There isn't a tutorial for this class, thank God.

Employment Relations:
How horrible does this title sound? About ten times less horrible than the actual class. It's all about HR. I don't want to do HR. I could care less about HR. Yuck. No one likes HR. Except my professors. The tutorial is boring too. We just go over the case studies we have for homework, which is never any fun. Boo. This class is boring.

Okay, I think that's it for now. I'm sure no one actually wants to read this much. I should probably update this blog more often. I'll try.


♥ caitlin

*6202 girls - Anja, Jessica & Melissa



Anonymous said...

ummmm sooo I love your explination of all of your classes. It's pretty great, not gonna lie.
And a Tomagachi totally not a waste of Money at all!!! just don't let it die :((( make sure you feed it and what not. I Love You!
<3 Katie

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